Unvarnished Truth Made Simple

Every truth essential that concerns our salvation is made very clear and positive

Tracts to download & print for witnessing

Below cards are formatted so as to print both sides in PDF format using letter size paper “8.5 x 11” or “8.5 x 14”. Print it on your home printer as many times as you wish. Or you can copy it at an office supply store, or have it professionally printed by a printer in bulk for far less expense.

Billions Will Soon Blaspheme The Holy Ghost New


The Real Agenda Behind Climate Change

English Rev-updated | Tagalog New

Mark Of The Beast

English Rev-updated | Tagalog New

Try The Spirits


God's Last Day Prophet


Are You A Good Person?


Mark Of The Beast




The Ten Commandments

English | Spanish | Tagalog New

The Real Agenda Behind Climate Change


Key To A Healthy Life

English Rev-updated

The Law Of God


By Their Fruits


Vax To Mark


Mark Of The Beast

English | Cebuano | French | Malayalam

People Get Ready Updated

English | Polish

Sabbath Justified

English | Cebuano | Spanish

Is Sunday The Christian Sabbath?

English | Spanish

Why Celebrate Easter


Manna Manual


The Second Coming

English | Croatian

God's Law vs Man's Law

English | Japanese

Antichrist Revealed

English | Dutch | Croatian

More to come...

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Ideas On How To Use These Tracts for witnessing

"Let us prepare to raise the standard of the Lord, the standard of purity and holiness. Let every soul purify his own heart, and prepare for the Lord when he shall come in power and great glory. Let believers be quickened by the grace of Christ to work for the saving of their fellow beings. Let the publications containing Bible truth be scattered like the leaves of autumn. Lift him up, the Saviour of souls, lift him up higher and still higher before the people. It is time now to gather strength from the source of all strength, to cry aloud and spare not, to press back the clouds of darkness, that the light of heaven may be revealed."
- {RH, April 29, 1909 par. 6}

"In the miracle of feeding the multitude with the few loaves and fishes, the food was increased as it passed from Christ to those who accepted it. Thus it will be in the distribution of our publications. God's truth, as it is passed out, will multiply greatly. And as Christ was careful to instruct the disciples to gather up the fragments that remained, that nothing should be lost, so we should treasure every fragment of literature containing the truth for this time."
-MS 67, 1903. {PM 283.3}